Helping people alkalise for over 10 years
Eko Crystals helps to alkalise for better health
Alkalises the body
Neutralises acid in the body
Mineralises the body
Revitalises the body
Hydrates the body
Energises the body
Rebalances the body
About Eko Crystals
Eko Crystals contains alkaline minerals which act as a body acid neutraliser, therefore allowing the body to rebalance and function better.
They also improve hydration and mineralisation at the cellular level, leading to detoxification.
Eko Crystals come in a sachet and work like a tea bag.
They release alkaline minerals into your drinking water plus trace minerals essential for optimal body function.
How to use Eko Crystals
Drop your Eko Crystals sachet into your bottle filled with water (tap, filtered or from the tank), place the lid on the bottle and shake for 15-20 seconds, then wait 5-10 minutes to allow the minerals to be released into the water before drinking.
The sachet is left in the bottle when drinking and refilling your bottle. You take the sachet out after drinking three bottles of water.
As you drink throughout the day you will be continually neutralising acid and alkalising the body.
Alkaline Water Filter Sticks
Once water is made up with the filter sticks it will take 30 mins to reach an alkaline pH. An alkaline pH creates a negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) which acts as a powerful antioxidant removing free radicals. This helps to increase energy levels.
The alkaline water allows for better hydration and detoxification.
Flush the Fat
The Flush the Fat program will help you provide your body with alkaline minerals.
The water that you make up with your kit will help to hydrate the body and neutralise acids
Alkaline foods are also recommended and there is a whole section dedicated to a more alkaline way of eating with some great recipes.
Once the acids are neutralised fat cells will be metabolised, and then you can literally flush the fat down the toilet.