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What others are saying about EkoHealth products


Many testimonials have been provided from people from all walks of life who use EkoHealth products to help ease a variety of illnesses and ailments…


I started on Eko Crystals 4 1/2 months ago as I had been put on BP medication & desperately wanted to get off due to severe side effects. What I got from Eko Crystals was a lot of unexpected benefits – my irritable bowel cleared up immediately & bowels became very regular, my hayfever cleared up and I have lost 20kg in 6 months (17kg while on Eko Crystals). I was also encouraged by the booklet to have a more alkaline diet & went to see a naturopath for extra help. Everyone says how well I look. I’m down to one BP pill a day (was on 3 at one stage) and still hope to eventually get off them altogether. My Eko Crystals bottle goes everywhere with me!



I starting using Eko Crystals, at first as I have been suffering from depression for about 12 months now, and food had become my comfort, which meant I was consuming large amounts of very acidic foods and had become 11 kg over weight. Every time I ate these very acidic foods within 1/2 an hour I’d become even more depressed, lethargic, tired and restless. I’d tried many different products over 12 months but since discovering Eko Crystals and following a very high alkaline diet I have lost 9 kg and no longer suffer from depression and have heaps of energy, as young people should.

Thank you so much EkoHealth.

H, Australia


I was in a very bad way with Arthritis. Before using Eko Crystals I had already had two hip replacements and two knee replacements. I had been on anti-inflamatory medications for years and took Glucosomine and Chondroiton. Even though the pain was eliminated from my knees and hips after the replacements I was still getting pain in my back and shoulders from the Arthritis. The doctor even told me that my shoulder was getting so bad that I would definately need a shoulder replacement. At the time of starting to use Eko Crystals I had given up doing weights because I couldn’t lift my arms without excruciating pain and I had to also stop swimming. I started taking 3 Eko Crystals sachets a day. Within 3 months I was feeling so much better. It was no longer painful to lift my arms and the pain in my back had decreased considerably. I gradually started doing my weights again and also went back to swimming. I eventually went off my anti-inflamatory medication and also stopped taking Glucosomine and Chondroitin. All I use now for my Arthritis is Eko Crystals! I wouldn’t be without it! My wife also had very bad tendonitis in her shoulder. She started taking 2 Eko Crystals sachets a day. After 6 weeks she told me that she felt that it was getting better. After eight weeks it had totally gone and has never come back.

D, Queensland


I started using Eko Crystals and over a 3 month period I noticed improvements in many areas of health and beauty. My skin and nails improved during the first month … My energy really improved, minor aches and pains disappeared and within 3 months my skin cleared totally, hair and nails had strengthened and I found that I had dropped 7 kilos in weight. I felt and looked so much better. The change in me was amazing. The chart in the booklet that I filled in helped me to see how much I had improved over 3 months with Eko Crystals. I wouldn’t be without it!

M, Australia


I have been using Eko Crystals for about 2 weeks. Skin looks amazing I suffer from adult acne, drinking the water has almost cleared my face it looks plump & healthy. Eko Crystals is truly amazing. Thank you so much for the brilliant product.

R, Australia

Heart Disease

I was suffering from high blood pressure and my handwriting was getting really bad. My nerves were frazzled and I couldn’t sleep. After 6 months on Eko Crystals my nerves have settled, I sleep well and my shaky hands are steady. My doctor has cut my blood pressure medication on two occasions. I no longer need one type of medication and the second medication has been reduced by 50%!

G, Australia

I started on Eko Crystals 4-1/2 months ago as I had been put on BP medication & desperately wanted to get off due to severe side effects. What I got was a lot of unexpected benefits – my irritable bowel cleared up immediately & bowels became very regular, my hayfever cleared up & I have lost 20kg in 6 months – 17kg while on Eko Crystals. I was also encouraged by the booklet to have a more alkaline diet & went to see a naturopath for extra help. Everyone says how well I look. I’m down to one BP pill a day (was on 3 at one stage) & still hope to eventually get off them altogether. My Eko Crystals bottle goes everywhere with me!

L, Australia


I am 29 and a mother of two young children aged 6 and 4. I had been using Eko Crystals for several weeks and noticed an improvement in my skin within a week. The blotches cleared up as did pimples under the skin. When I first started taking it, I kept having to go to the toilet with diarrhoea and I also seemed to sweat a lot for several days. It was a really good detox and I feel like I have more energy to deal with my young family. Recently a friend left their young son (3 years old) at my house for several hours. He started feeling unwell and was behaving in a difficult manner. He had a temperature so I rang his mother who said to give him a children’s Panadol. Over the course of an hour or so his temperature didn’t go down so I mixed up an Eko Crystals sachet and water and made him drink it. Within 20 minutes his temperature had gone down, he relaxed and went to sleep on the couch for an hour. When he woke up he was fine. Thank goodness for Eko Crystals.

T, Australia

Reflux And Chronic Fatigue

I have been using Eko Crystals for about 6 weeks now. I have extreme Gastroparesis and had been suffering from chronic fatigue and reflux for years. In the time I have used Eko Crystals I have noticed an improvement in my energy levels and I have not had to take my reflux medication for 2 weeks now. I am looking forward to seeing how my health continues to improve into the future. For me the science made sense, I work as a water chemist and this made total sense to me. Thanks

K, Australia

After recently being diagnosed with acid reflux and stomach problems due to the build up of acid I decided to start using Eko Crystals. Now that I have been using it for a month my stomach has settled down and there are no signs of my acid reflux. A side benefit to using Eko Water is that since I have been using it I haven’t had to use any hay-fever medication. I cannot recommend Eko Crystals strongly enough.

D, Australia

Rejuvenation And Health Reversals

I started using Eko Crystals and over a 3 month period I noticed improvements in many areas of health and beauty. My Skin and nails improved during the first month … My energy really improved, minor aches and pains disappeared and within 3 months my skin cleared totally, hair and nails had strengthened and I found that I dropped 7 kilos in weight. I felt and looked so much better. The change in me was amazing. The chart in the booked that I filled in helped me to see how much I had improved over 3 months on Eko Crystals. I wouldn’t be without it!

M, Australia

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